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Expats who have been residing in the Netherlands for several years may qualify to apply for Dutch citizenship (Nederlandse nationaliteit).

Ways to Obtain Dutch Citizenship

There are three main routes to gain Dutch citizenship:

  1. Naturalisation (naturalisatie)
    • You have lived in the Netherlands (or the Dutch Caribbean) for an uninterrupted five-year period and meet other specified conditions.
  2. Option Procedure (optieprocedure)
    • You have continuously lived in the Netherlands since birth or early childhood, or meet other criteria that qualify you for the option procedure.
  3. By Law (van rechtswege)
    • You are born to a Dutch parent, your Dutch father acknowledges paternity, or you are adopted by Dutch parents.

Dutch Citizenship by Naturalisation

Naturalisation is a common method for expats to gain Dutch citizenship through an application process that takes about one year.

Requirements for Naturalisation

To be eligible for Dutch citizenship by naturalisation, you must meet the following conditions:

  • Be over 18 years old.
  • Have legally lived in the Netherlands or the Dutch Caribbean (Bonaire, Saint Eustatius, Saba, Aruba, Curaçao, or Saint Martin) for an uninterrupted five-year period (with some exceptions).
  • Hold a valid Dutch residence permit or a residence permit for a non-temporary purpose.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in Dutch by passing the Dutch Civic Integration Exam at the A-2 level, or hold an equivalent diploma such as the NT2 State Exam.
  • Have no criminal record, including no prison sentences, community training, or fines of €810 or more in the last four years.
  • Be willing to renounce your current nationality (with some exceptions).
  • Attend a citizenship ceremony and declare your allegiance to the Netherlands.
Exceptions to the Five-Year Requirement

You may not need to meet the five-year residence requirement if:

  • You are married to a Dutch citizen and have lived together continuously for at least three years, either in the Netherlands or abroad (also applicable to unmarried partners).
  • You are officially stateless and have legally lived in the Netherlands for three years or more.
  • You have lived in the Netherlands for ten years with a valid residence permit, with the last two years being continuous.
  • You previously held Dutch citizenship.
  • You meet other parent-related requirements.

When applying for Dutch citizenship, internationals often need to give up their original citizenship(s) because the Netherlands generally does not allow dual nationality. However, there are several exceptions to this rule.

When Dual Nationality is Allowed

You do not need to renounce your current citizenship if:

  • You are married to or a registered partner of a Dutch citizen.
  • Your country of origin does not allow you to cancel your citizenship.
  • Your country of origin automatically revokes your nationality when you gain Dutch citizenship (Dutch law requires you to renounce your citizenship after gaining Dutch citizenship).
  • You are officially recognized as a refugee.
  • You must pay a significant amount to renounce your citizenship (proof required).
  • You will lose certain rights, such as inheritance rights, in your country of origin (proof required).
  • You must complete or buy out your military service before being allowed to renounce your nationality (proof required).
  • You were born in the Netherlands or Dutch Caribbean and are still living there when you apply for Dutch citizenship.
  • It is not possible to contact the authorities in your country of origin.
  • You have special and assessable reasons for objecting to renouncing your nationality.
  • Your country of origin is not recognized by the Netherlands.

If any of these apply to you, make sure to mention it when you submit your application. You cannot claim an exception after receiving Dutch citizenship.

Renouncing Your Nationality

If none of the exceptions apply, you will need to renounce your current nationality after acquiring Dutch citizenship. You must sign a declaration agreeing to this.

After gaining Dutch citizenship, you must submit an application to renounce your nationality or register a declaration of renunciation with the authorities in your country of origin (e.g., via a consulate or embassy). Once this process is complete, send a copy of the official declaration to the IND.

Application Process for Dutch Citizenship

To apply for Dutch citizenship (Nederlanderschap aanvragen) and if you meet the necessary requirements, visit your local municipality (gemeente) to submit an application and pay the application fee.

The gemeente will review your application and forward it to the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) with a recommendation. The entire process can take up to one year.

If you have children under 18 and want them to have Dutch nationality, include them in your application.

Documentation for Dutch Citizenship Application

You need to provide the following documents:

  • Valid travel document (e.g., passport)
  • Valid residence permit
  • Birth certificate (may need to be legalised or bear an apostille stamp; if not in Dutch, English, French, or German, it must be translated)
  • Civic Integration Exam certificate or other diploma (e.g., NT2)
  • Additional documents may be required depending on your situation.

Dutch Citizenship Application Costs

  • Single person: €1023 (2024)
  • With a partner: €1305 (2024)
  • Lower fees apply for the option procedure.

Outcome of the Citizenship Application

After reviewing your application, the IND will send you the outcome by mail.

Dutch Citizenship Granted

If your application is successful, the IND will confirm your citizenship. You will also receive an invitation from your gemeente to attend a compulsory citizenship ceremony, where you will receive your Dutch nationality certificate (bewijs van Nederlanderschap). At the ceremony, you must declare your allegiance to the Netherlands (in Dutch). Once you have Dutch citizenship, you can apply for a Dutch passport.

Dutch Citizenship Application Rejected

If your application is rejected, you will receive a letter explaining the reasons. You may request the IND to review their decision if you believe there are legal grounds for objection.

Rights with Dutch Citizenship

As a Dutch citizen, your status will be updated in the Basisregistratie personen (BRP), granting you the following rights:

  • Free entry to the Netherlands
  • Right to a Dutch passport
  • Ability to vote in Dutch national and provincial elections and stand for election
  • Right to join the Dutch armed forces
  • Eligibility for your children to gain Dutch citizenship
  • Automatic EU citizenship
  • Freedom to move and reside within the European Union
  • Ability to vote for the European Parliament

Permanent Residency in the Netherlands

If you prefer not to renounce your original citizenship but wish to continue living in the Netherlands, you may apply for permanent residence. This allows you to stay indefinitely, with conditions:

  • Renew your residence permit every five years
  • No voting rights in Dutch national or provincial elections (but you can vote in municipal elections)
  • Residency may be revoked if you move abroad or spend too much time outside the Netherlands.

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