Established in 2005 by the Government of the Slovak Republic, the National Scholarship Programme (NSP) is a commendable initiative aimed at supporting the academic mobility of students, PhD students, university teachers, researchers, and artists. Administered and financed by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research, and Sport of the Slovak Republic, the NSP plays a pivotal role in fostering international collaboration and knowledge exchange.
Scholarship Categories and Eligibility Criteria:
A) Students: The NSP extends its support to university students outside Slovakia, particularly those pursuing the second level of higher education (master’s students). To be eligible, applicants must have completed at least 2.5 years of their university studies and secure acceptance by a Slovakian higher education institution for an academic mobility to study in Slovakia.
Duration: 1 – 2 full semesters or 1 – 3 full trimesters.
B) PhD Students: PhD students undergoing higher education or scientific training outside Slovakia can benefit from the NSP by securing acceptance from a Slovakian higher education or research institution for an academic mobility to study, conduct research, or undertake artistic endeavors in Slovakia.
Duration: 1 – 10 months.
C) University Teachers, Researchers, and Artists: International educators and professionals in the field of research and arts are invited for teaching, research, or artistic stays in Slovakia by eligible institutions. These individuals must be affiliated with institutions possessing a valid certificate of eligibility for research and development.
Duration: 1 – 10 months.
Application and Global Inclusivity: Citizens of any country worldwide, excluding Slovakia, are encouraged to apply for a scholarship stay through the NSP. This inclusive approach reflects the commitment of the Slovak Republic to promote diversity and global cooperation in the academic realm.
Re-application Policy: For re-applicants, approval is contingent upon a minimum 2-year gap between the resubmission deadline and the last awarded NSP scholarship. Exceptions may be considered in special cases, particularly when force majeure events, such as a pandemic or military conflict, have affected the applicant’s previous stay.
Exclusions: The NSP, while comprehensive, has specific exclusions. It does not support international students pursuing full-degree higher education in Slovakia or those already enrolled in such programs. Additionally, university teachers, researchers, and artists without a PhD degree and with more than 4 years of experience face restrictions, unless special circumstances warrant consideration.
Moreover, applicants who have spent 15 or more months in the territory of the Slovak Republic within the 36 months preceding the application deadline, or those currently receiving scholarships through other public-funded programs, are ineligible.
Conclusion: The National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic stands as a beacon for international collaboration, offering invaluable opportunities for students, scholars, and artists globally. By fostering academic mobility and cross-cultural exchanges, the NSP contributes significantly to the advancement of knowledge and the enrichment of the global academic community.
2. Scholarship Amount and Organization of Stay
Scholarship Categories and Monthly Amounts:
a) University Student of the Second Level of Higher Education
- Monthly Scholarship: 620 EUR
b) PhD Student
- Monthly Scholarship: 1025.50 EUR
c) University Teacher/Researcher/Artist:
- Without PhD Degree and Less Than 4 Years of Experience: 1025.50 EUR
- With PhD Degree and Less Than 10 Years of Experience: 1370 EUR
- With PhD Degree and More Than 10 Years of Experience: 1470 EUR
Note: Work experience is considered until the application deadline, with PhD studies accounting for a maximum of 6 years.
Scholarship Purpose and Coverage:
The scholarship aims to cover living costs, including accommodation and related expenses during the study, research/artistic, or teaching stay at universities and research organizations in Slovakia. Scholarship holders have the option to seek assistance regarding accommodation and formalities either from their host institution or handle them independently.
International scholarship holders with stays exceeding 90 days and belonging to countries outside the European Union, European Economic Area, and Switzerland may need a temporary residence permit. They must submit a health confirmation to the foreign police office within 30 days of receiving the temporary residence. The costs of medical examination for this confirmation are reimbursed, up to 250 EUR per scholarship holder.
3. Travel Grant:
Students and PhD students (eligible applicants under category A and B) may apply for a travel allowance, a separate component of the scholarship. The amount varies based on the distance between the applicant’s residence and the host institution in Slovakia, ranging from 0 EUR to 1500 EUR.
[To calculate distance, use the “Distance Calculator” provided by the European Commission for Erasmus+: ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/tools/distance_en.htm]
4. Application Deadlines:
- 30 April at 16.00 CET – Scholarship stays during the next academic year
- 31 October at 16.00 CET – Scholarship stays during the summer semester of the current academic year
Note: Applicants requiring a visa for entry into Slovakia are advised to consider visa application procedures when determining the start date of their potential scholarship stay.
5. Submitting the Application:
- Applications are submitted online at www.scholarships.sk.
- Online application system opens at least 6 weeks prior to the application deadline.
- Applicants can submit applications and required attachments in Slovak or English only.
- Signatures must be handwritten or officially verifiable electronic signatures.
Note: Applicants are urged not to submit applications at the last moment to avoid potential delays in the application system.
6. Selection Procedure
Scholarship and Travel Allowance Selection Criteria:
Scholarships and travel allowances are discretionary and not legally binding. The decision to grant them depends on several factors, including adherence to program requirements, the applicant’s qualifications, the proposed stay’s relevance and necessity, and the budget availability for the National Scholarship Programme (NSP).
Applicant Responsibilities:
- Applicants are accountable for the accuracy and completeness of their applications and provided information.
- The scholarship Programme Administrator does not allow amendments post-application, as applications are considered final upon submission.
Administration of Selection Process:
- SAIA, n. o., as the Programme Administrator, oversees the selection process, ensuring equal treatment of applicants.
- The administrator assesses applications for formal compliance on the deadline day and may reject applications for various reasons.
Selection Committee:
- Appointed by the Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.
- Focuses on reasons for choosing the host institution, proposed program, professional and personal qualities, achievements, and overall application quality.
Detailed Selection Process:
- Determines order of applications within categories, considering field background and other factors.
- Proposes scholarship awards based on quality, available funds, and expected success rates.
Special Considerations:
- Considers applications affected by force majeure, providing a specific assessment for each case.
Appeal Process:
- Applicants with concerns about the selection process may file a written motion within one month of result publication.
- SAIA, n. o., reviews the claim and informs the applicant of the outcome within approximately one month.
7. Scholarship Grant and Payment Conditions
Notification and Letter of Award:
- SAIA, n. o., informs applicants of scholarship status within 8 weeks of the application deadline.
- Upon acceptance, SAIA, n. o., issues the Letter of Award, including conditions for payment and required documents.
Conditions for Payment:
- Original acceptance/invitation letter submission is required.
- Submission of the letter of acceptance, notarized diploma copy, and confirmation on studies (for students/PhD students) is mandatory.
- Payments are made to the scholarship holder’s bank account in SEPA countries.
Payment Details:
- Monthly payments commence upon confirmation of the scholarship holder’s stay.
- The Programme Administrator sets conditions for control and monitoring, potentially affecting payment timelines.
Obligations for Scholarship Holders:
- Scholarship holders must ensure the completeness and accuracy of all submitted documents.
- Inform SAIA, n. o., of any additional state budget support during the scholarship period.
- Provide full cooperation to Slovak Republic authorities for control or monitoring purposes.
Reporting Obligations:
- Scholarship holders submit an interim report for stays longer than 6 months.
- Final reports and confirmation of completion must be submitted at the scholarship end.
Compliance and Potential Reduction:
- Serious non-compliance with the approved program may lead to a reduction in scholarship amount.
- The Programme Administrator may request additional documents to verify the stay’s implementation.
Withdrawal and Fund Return:
- In cases of serious breaches, false information, or damage to the program’s reputation, SAIA, n. o., may withdraw and demand fund return.
Note: All scholarship terms adhere to the “Guidelines for Awarding and Disbursement of Scholarships and Travel Grants,” effective from October 22, 2021.
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